K-12 Standard Response Protocol Toolkit
Appendix A: SRP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Since The “I Love U Guys” Foundation introduced the Standard Response Protocol in 2009, thousands of districts, departments and agencies have scrutinized, evaluated and ultimately implemented the program. During the process some questions seem to come up often.
What does the program cost?
Since its introduction in 2009, public K12 schools, districts, departments and agencies were free to use the “I Love U Guys” Foundation programs at no cost.
In 2015, the Foundation expanded availability, and now offers the programs to any public or private organization at no charge. Simply download the materials and begin the process.
SRP resources and materials provided to schools through the Texas School Safety Center website are always available at no cost.
I see The Foundation offers training, do we need to buy training in order to use the programs?
No. This collaboration between the Texas School Safety Center and the “I Love U Guys” Foundation provides these materials online so that schools and law enforcement can successfully implement these programs. We know of thousands of schools across the US and Canada that have implemented the programs using internal resources.
That said, part of the “I Love U Guys” Foundation sustainability model relies not just on charitable giving, but in providing training for districts, departments and agencies. If your organization is interested in training, please contact the “I Love U Guys” Foundation for rates and terms.
What is the difference between Secure and Lockdown?
The term Secure is used when there is a potential threat that can be mitigated by bringing everyone inside. It should be announced with the directive "Get inside. Lock outside doors" which signals teachers and staff to lock exterior doors and while it calls for heightened situational awareness, allows for indoor activities to continue.
The term "Lockdown" means there is an active or imminent threat inside or nearby requiring immediate protective action. It is followed by the directive "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight" and requires locking classroom doors, turning out the lights, and remaining quiet and out of sight until first responders arrive.
Effectively if the threat is outside the building, Secure. If the threat is inside the building, Lockdown.
What if the threat is close to the building?
There may be situations where both a Secure and a Lockdown may be called simultaneously. In this case securing the perimeter, securing the classroom and getting out of sight would be the practice.
In lockdown, are you suggesting unlocking the outside doors?
No. We suggest not exposing anyone to additional risk by locking or unlocking outside doors. If the doors are locked leave them locked. Be sure you have a plan, in advance, that allows first responders the ability to enter the building quickly.
Won’t people still come in the building if the outside doors are unlocked during a lockdown?
Yes, it is possible that people may be able to enter the building during the window of time between calling a Lockdown and the arrival of first responders. If possible, having continued periodic announcements that a lockdown is in progress may help to alert new arrivals to the danger.
A Lockdown is called when there is a life safety threat inside the building. During the development and throughout the lifecycle of the SRP, constant, deliberate scrutiny of all risk/benefit guidance is performed by the Foundation, district and law enforcement representatives. This has resulted in the Lockdown guidance provided.
That said, with any guidance provided, we defer to local decisions. Please consult and collaborate with your local law enforcement and other responders in the planning and implementation of your response plans.
Can the SRP be used in conjunction with other safety plans?
Yes, absolutely. The SRP is designed as an enhancement to any safety plan. It covers critical incidents by standardizing vocabulary so stakeholders can easily understand the status and respond quickly when an unforeseen event occurs. Comprehensive safety plans will include components such as communications, threat assessment, local hazards, operation continuity and reunification, amongst other items.
Can I modify materials?
That depends. The core actions and directives must remain intact. These are:
- Hold “In your room or area. Clear the halls.”
- Secure “Get Inside. Lock outside doors”
- Lockdown “Locks, Lights, Out of Sight”
- Evacuate followed by the announced location
- Shelter followed by the announced hazard and safety strategy
Some details may need to be customized to your location. For instance, the classroom poster should be modified to include hazards and safety strategies that are specific to your location. A district can add provisions for additional actions such as “reverse evacuation” if that is part of your protocol and drills and may be combined with other protective actions.
Does the SRP work with other active shooter tactical response protocols?
There are several active shooter protocols that provide for protective actions in the event of an active shooting situation in a school. We don’t believe the SRP would prevent the adoption of protocols designed to provide additional protective actions based on specific district or school needs. Again, consult and collaborate with local law enforcement and other responders in the planning and implementation of your specific active shooter response.
For additional questions related to modifying SRP materials, source materials, copyrights, trademarks, notifying the foundation of use, and other uses, please visit the 'I Love You Guys' Website.